To provide high-quality, compassionate hair care education and services for kids with textured hair in foster care and transracial adoptive or biracial families.


To build a diverse community of people creating and celebrating hairstyles that boost kids' self-esteem and cultural pride.

An Impact Story

The Need

Multiracial, transracial adoptive and foster families lack the know-how to care for their kid's textured hair. Support for both parents and kids is much needed.

Black chil­dren rep­re­sent­ed 14% of the total child pop­u­la­tion but 22% of all kids in fos­ter care.

The Solution

Families are supported through Styles 4 Kidz programs, workshops and training—giving them the tools and resources they need to care for their kid's hair.


When you volunteer to support S4K programs, you give your time and talents to support and grow the S4K community and mission in your local area. Join the mission!


Sponsorship opportunities are available for businesses, corporations, foster and adoptive agencies, non-profit organizations, libraries, and other independent groups. To receive a list of sponsorship opportunities, please email S4K at info@styles4kidz.org.


Give to S4K programs. To give monthly, please visit this link.

If you would like to make a larger, one-time gift or request an appointment with a Board Member, please email us at info@styles4kidz.org.

“We started coming to Styles 4 Kidz when Mara was a baby when I realized that I needed more hands-on training than was available online.  What I was looking for was help with some cradle cap and what we received was a community that provided education, camaraderie, friendship and so much support for Mara and I as she grows.” 

–Leah K